- India’s battle for independence, which culminated in its historic freedom from British colonial authority on August 15, 1947, will always be remembered as a pivotal moment in world history. Millions of Indians rebelled against the harsh burden of colonial control, fighting for independence, dignity, and self-determination. India had endured foreign invasions, cultural assimilation, and economic exploitation for ages. However, the nation’s spirit of solidarity and unwavering resistance paved the way for a distinct conflict that ultimately resulted in its freedom. The independence movement in India went beyond politics, encompassing sacrifice, peaceful opposition, and intellectual development. Intellectual leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Subhash Chandra Bose inspired the populace with their passionate appeals for liberty and equality. Stories of bravery, nonviolent civil disobedience, and the strength of solidarity that united disparate individuals in the pursuit of an independent and free nation are woven throughout India’s history of independence.
- Starting in the 17th century, Britain established a colonial presence in India, gradually expanding its authority over the subcontinent. British Raj’s exploitative policies devastated India’s riches, stifled indigenous industries, and enforced discriminatory practices that widened socioeconomic gaps. The flame of rebellion was ignited by events like the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, laying the groundwork for a more powerful and united fight for independence. Mahatma Gandhi’s rise as the most recognizable figure in the history of nonviolent civil disobedience marked a crucial turning point in India’s struggle for independence. His philosophies of Satyagraha (force of truth) and Ahimsa (non-violence) became potent tools that shook the foundations of the great British Empire. The 1930 Salt March, wherein Gandhi and his supporters defied the British salt tariff by traveling hundreds of kilometers, became a symbol of defiance that garnered global attention and demonstrated the effectiveness of nonviolent protest. As the freedom movement gained momentum, Indians from all walks of life, including women, peasants, laborers, and intellectuals, united and transcended class, caste, and religious barriers for a common objective. The unyielding will and unbreakable character of the Indian people ultimately compelled the British to acknowledge the end of colonial control. Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision of a momentous endeavor was realized on the tragic night of August 14, 1947, when the Indian tricolor was raised above Delhi’s Red Fort, signifying the dawn of a new era. India’s independence not only marked the cessation of colonial authority but also embarked the nation on a path towards democracy, growth, and nation-building. India’s independence stands as an enduring example of the triumph of the human spirit and the unwavering determination of a people to shape their own destiny in history. The battles, sacrifices, and ideas that propelled the independence movement continue to inspire people today, motivating them to fight against injustice, uphold moral principles like truth and nonviolence, and work towards a society that embraces diversity, unity, and freedom for all.
Before gaining its independence, India had to contend with a array of PEST variables, which are outside forces that have an impact on a nation’s growth and development. Political, Economic, Social, & Technological aspects are referred to as PEST. An outline of PEST elements in India before to independence is shown below:
- Political Aspects:
- – British colonialism and the dominance of the British East India Company limited Indian political power and decision-making processes were controlled by the British.
- – Lack of representation for Indians in political matters further marginalized the majority of the population.
- – Nationalist movements, led by influential leaders like Subhash Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru, gained momentum and organized support for independence.
- Economic Variables:
- – British colonial policies prioritized resource extraction and economic exploitation of India for the benefit of Britain.
- – The focus on cash crops and raw material production for export neglected local businesses and food crops, affecting the Indian economy.
- – The encouragement of new industries by the British resulted in the decline of traditional Indian industries like textiles.
- Societal Influences:
- – The caste system in India created social hierarchy, stratification, and discrimination.
- – Social reform movements emerged during the 19th and early 20th centuries, targeting issues such as untouchability, child marriage, and widow burning (sati).
- – Indian women faced social and cultural limitations and limited educational and social opportunities, but social reform movements also advocated for women’s rights and empowerment.
- – The introduction of a modern educational system by the British created a class of English-educated Indians who played a significant role in the independence struggle.
- – India’s diverse religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, and Buddhism, coexisted, although occasional tensions arose due to British non-interference in religious affairs.
- – The idea of a cohesive Indian national identity started to develop during this period, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together for the common cause of freedom.
- Technology-Related Elements:
- – Traditional techniques and methods were predominant in India before independence due to limited technological advancements.
- – The British introduced modern technologies such as railroads, telephony, and educational institutions, which had both positive and negative impacts on Indian culture and the economy.
- These political, economic, societal, and technological factors significantly influenced India’s freedom movement and its overall development. Overcoming the exploitative colonial policies, racial disparities, and technological constraints was a gradual process during the fight for independence. Addressing these issues and determining the path for India post-independence in 1947 became possible through the struggle for freedom.
India witnessed tremendous changes after becoming independent in 1947, and PEST elements remained to be crucial in determining the development and growth of the nation. An overview of how India’s growth has been impacted by PEST elements internationally is shown below:
Political aspects
- Political Stability: India chose a democratic form of governance after gaining independence, which created a stable political climate. However, geographical differences and political polarization also appeared, which made it difficult to make decisions and put policies into action.
- Early Indian leaders emphasized socialist ideals that sought social equality and economic self-sufficiency. This strategy resulted in significant government economic involvement.
- India maintained its independence from the big powers’ spheres of influence throughout the Cold War by adhering to a non-alignment strategy. It tried to keep cordial ties alongside both the Eastern as well as Western blocs. India has a significant geopolitical significance on the global arena due to its political stability, massive population, and advantageous geographic position. However, its capacity to enact reforms and successfully address socio-economic inequality has also been impacted by the complex political environment and governance issues.
Economic variables
- India established a mixed economy that incorporated aspects of both capitalism and socialism. While private industry had room to develop, the state sector was crucial to critical industries and services.
- Economic reforms: India started its economic liberalization in the 1990s by opening its markets to global commerce and investment. Significant economic development and deeper integration into the global economy were the results of this change to market-oriented policy.
- India’s huge and young population offers the possibility of a demographic dividend, which supports a sizable worker and consumer base.
- India’s economy has grown remarkably in comparison to the rest of the globe, resulting in it being one of the world’s fastest-growing major economies. However, issues like income inequality, poverty, especially the requirement for long-term economic changes persist.
Societal influences:
- Social Development: Following independence, India achieved strides in a number of social indices, including access to basic amenities, healthcare, and education. The issues of poverty, starvation, and gender inequity do not go away, though.
- Cultural variety: With many different languages, faiths, and customs coexisting in India, its vast cultural variety formed one of the country’s distinguishing characteristics.
- Comparatively speaking, India has made substantial social development gains, but issues with social inclusion and fair opportunity continue to be of concern. Accurate policies are also necessary for the nation’s varied community to promote peaceful cohabitation.
Technology-related elements
- Technological Advancements: India has achieved great gains in this area, especially in the IT and software sectors, and has become a major worldwide center for technology services & innovation.
- India has undergone a digital transformation as a result of rising internet usage and e-commerce, which has had a substantial influence on many different economic sectors.
- Comparatively speaking, India has experienced amazing technological advancement, making it a significant player in the worldwide IT industry. But there are also differences in access to digital infrastructure and technology, especially in rural regions.
- India’s economic trajectory since independence has generally been a combination of successes and difficulties. This nation has become a significant actor on the international arena thanks to its sizable market, technical prowess, and geopolitical significance. It still faces challenges related to poverty, inequality, and sustainable development, nevertheless. India’s path is distinctive and always changing since it is a growing nation with a variety of complicated issues. This calls for creative policies and initiatives to address the PEST elements’ complex effects on India’s growth and development.
- Prior to gaining its independence, India had a significant impact on Sri Lanka’s history and development while it was still known as Ceylon. Geographical closeness, cultural links, and historical linkages all had an impact on interactions between India & Sri Lanka. India assisted Sri Lanka in the following ways before to its independence: Deeply rooted cultural and religious links exist between India and Sri Lanka. Buddhism’s migration across India to Sri Lanka constitutes a significant historical development. Buddhist professors and monks from India journeyed to Sri Lanka to teach Buddhism and promote cultural ties between the two countries.
- prior to the colonial era, trade and commerce existed between India and Sri Lanka. The southern parts of India & Sri Lanka had marine trade ties, which allowed the movement of products and ideas.
- Under British colonial authority, India saw an era of societal and educational changes in the late 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Progressive intellectuals in Sri Lanka were also impacted by some of the aforementioned reformist concepts, such as advancing social fairness and advancing education. Support for the Sri Lankan Freedom Movement: Sri Lankan nationalist groups were significantly influenced by India’s independence movement against British colonial authority. Leaders in Sri Lanka called for independence and autonomy from British colonial control after being influenced by the Indian National Congress & its figures, such as Mahatma Gandhi.
- Politicians and political personalities from India interacted with Sri Lankan officials and voiced support for their ambitions for independence. The Sri Lankan independence cause needed cooperation from India in order to become more determined to abolish colonial rule.
- Regional cooperation: India and Sri Lanka worked together to address challenges and concerns in the area, particularly those related to commerce, marine security, and cultural interactions. The two countries felt more united and understood one another as a result of their cooperation.
- It is crucial to remember that there were times of tension and hostility in the ties between India & Sri Lanka. The two nations’ historical ties and links, however, created the groundwork for their current bilateral relations.
- The nature of India-Sri Lanka ties altered after India’s independence of 1947, and the two nations have since cooperated on a number of fronts, including commerce, security, cultural exchanges, and regional collaboration. Relationships between India & Sri Lanka are still important because they highlight their common history and passion for the Indian Ocean.
- After Indian independence, India’s assistance to Sri Lanka can be analyzed through the lens of the PEST factors, which are Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors. These factors have influenced India’s support to Sri Lanka in various ways:
Political Factors:
- Diplomatic Engagement: India and Sri Lanka have maintained strong diplomatic ties since their independence. India has actively engaged with Sri Lanka on regional and international platforms to promote peace, stability, and cooperation in the Indian Ocean region.
- Support for Sri Lanka’s Sovereignty: India has consistently supported Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. India has respected Sri Lanka’s internal affairs while offering support and assistance when requested.
Economic Factors:
- Development Assistance: India has provided significant development assistance to Sri Lanka. This includes financial grants, soft loans, and technical cooperation to support various infrastructure projects and socio-economic development initiatives in Sri Lanka.
- Trade and Investment: India has been an important trade partner for Sri Lanka. Both countries have engaged in bilateral trade, benefiting their respective economies and enhancing economic cooperation.
Social Factors:
- Cultural Exchanges: India and Sri Lanka share deep cultural ties, and India has facilitated cultural exchanges to promote mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s traditions, arts, and heritage.
- Educational Cooperation: India has offered scholarships to Sri Lankan students to pursue higher education in Indian institutions. This educational cooperation helps strengthen the human resource capacity of Sri Lanka and fosters people-to-people ties between the two countries.
Technological Factors:
- Technological Cooperation: India has collaborated with Sri Lanka in technological advancements and innovation. This includes sharing expertise and knowledge in areas such as information technology, renewable energy, and scientific research.
- Digital Connectivity: India has supported projects to enhance digital connectivity in Sri Lanka, which promotes information sharing, trade facilitation, and economic growth.
- It’s essential to acknowledge that the relationship between India and Sri Lanka, like any bilateral relationship, has had its challenges and complexities over time. Issues related to ethnic tensions, geopolitical interests, and regional dynamics have influenced the dynamics of their cooperation.
- While India’s assistance to Sri Lanka has been beneficial in many aspects, both countries continue to work together to address emerging challenges and explore new opportunities for collaboration. The PEST factors remain crucial in shaping the bilateral relationship, and ongoing cooperation is based on shared interests, mutual respect, and a commitment to regional stability and development.
India has played a critical role in helping Sri Lanka amid the financial crisis by contributing money and other resources. Here are a few ways that India has supported Sri Lanka throughout these times:
- Currency Swap Agreements: To offer Sri Lanka short-term financial support amid currency crises, India has signed into currency exchange agreements alongside Sri Lanka. The Indian rupee is now available to Sri Lanka thanks to these accords, which can assist the island nation’s foreign exchange reserves & balance of payments problems be managed.
- Grants and help: India have given Sri Lanka grants and help when the country has faced economic difficulties. This help can be used to ease acute financial strains, finance development projects, or support budgetary necessities.
- Development initiatives: Despite financial challenges, India remained committed to a number of development initiatives in Sri Lanka. These initiatives would not only aid in building Sri Lanka’s infrastructure but also generate employment and boost the country’s economy.
- Trade and Investment: Despite the financial problems, India and Sri Lanka maintain strong trade and investment ties. Strong commercial relationships may open doors for Sri Lanka’s exports, provide it access to a sizable market, and help the country earn foreign currency.
- Multilateral assistance: In times of crisis, India has backed Sri Lanka’s efforts to obtain multilateral assistance from organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank. India can represent Sri Lanka’s interests and back its ambitions for economic development.
- Financial Cooperation Agreements: In order to help Sri Lanka’s financial stability & economic growth, India and Sri Lanka have inked financial cooperation agreements that make it possible for credit lines and loans to be made available.
- Debt respite: During financial crises, India has occasionally offered Sri Lanka respite from its debt obligations. The respite could assist Sri Lanka in managing its debt obligations and free up money for other crucial expenditures.
- Technical support along with capacity building: India helps Sri Lanka strengthen its technical capabilities in areas like economic planning, financial reform, and financial management. Sri Lanka may better handle its financial issues by bolstering institutional capability.
- India’s assistance to Sri Lanka during the financial crises underscores the strong ties and cooperation between the two countries. This shows India’s commitment to support its neighbor in times of need and promote regional stability and development. By cooperating and providing timely financial assistance, India and Sri Lanka can help each other overcome economic challenges and promote sustainable growth in the region.
- There have been important historical exchanges and connections between the two areas since Bangladesh was a part of indivisible India beneath British colonial authority until it gained its independence. The contribution of India to the Bangladesh of today may be understood from a number of angles;
- Cultural and social relations: Because of their close proximity to one another and their shared history, both countries have strong cultural and social ties. The inhabitants of these two areas are interconnected through their shared languages, works of literature, music, and traditions.
- Freedom Movement: The leaders of the nation that is now Bangladesh actively took part in the fight for independence from British colonial control during the Indian independence movement. Leading personalities like Sheikh Mujibur Rahman while Maulana Abul Kalam Azad were instrumental in energizing the populace and defending independence. India helped with the language campaign in the former East Pakistan, currently Bangladesh, which called for the addition of Bengali to Urdu as an official language. The Martyrs’ Day of the Linguistic struggle, observed on February 21—International Mother Language Day—was the culmination of the language struggle. Aid for the needy: During the Liberation War of 1971, India helped millions of refugees whose had fled to its shores in search of safety. India gave the displaced people a place to live, food to eat, and medical care as a show of support for the people of Bangladesh.
- India provided diplomatic assistance for Bangladesh’s aspiration for independence and worked to get the new nation recognized internationally. India’s diplomatic initiatives were crucial in helping Bangladesh get support and recognition on a global scale.
- Supporting Independence: India was a key player in the East Pakistani independence struggle. Bangladesh became an independent nation during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War. Bangladesh was freed from Pakistan thanks to India’s military involvement, which also paved the way for Bangladesh to gain independence. Economic support: Following Bangladesh’s independence, India stayed committed to helping that nation develop economically. India assisted in the reconstruction of the nation’s infrastructure, the establishment of institutions, and the expansion of trade and commercial ties between the two nations.
- Cross-border trade & commerce: Since gaining their independence, India and Bangladesh have had a thriving cross-border trading connection. Bangladesh has always had a close business relationship with India, and the two nations have taken attempts to deepen their partnership. Because of their shared history, culture, and geography, both countries have seen a considerable evolution in their relationship over time. Today, both nations retain their tight bilateral ties and collaboration in a number of areas, including commerce, security, energy, and regional development.
- After India gained its freedom and Bangladesh became an independent nation in 1971, India was crucial in helping to support its neighbor in a number of ways. India and Bangladesh’s relationship has grown into a solid, cooperative partnership defined by respect for one another and common goals. Here are several ways that India supported Bangladesh upon its independence.
- Humanitarian aid during the liberating war: India generously supported the millions of refugees who escaped the violence to India in quest of safety throughout the liberation war in 1971. India supported the citizens of Bangladesh in their fight for freedom by offering them shelter, food, and medical assistance.
- Support from the military during the liberation conflict: India’s military assistance helped Bangladesh break free from Pakistan. In helping the Mukti Bahini (Bangladesh Liberation Army) defeat the Pakistani army and establish Bangladesh as an independent country, Indian soldiers were crucial.
- Support on a diplomatic level and international recognition were sought for the new nation by India, which also supported Bangladesh’s desire for independence on a diplomatic level. India’s negotiations were crucial in helping Bangladesh get international support and recognition for its independence.
- Economic Assistance and Development Cooperation: Following Bangladesh’s independence, India offered the new nation assistance in the form of economic assistance and development cooperation. India assisted Bangladesh in developing its infrastructure, establishing institutions, and funding several development initiatives.
- India has been a significant economic partner for Bangladesh, as well the two nations have developed close cross-border trade connections. Bangladesh’s economy will flourish thanks to India’s pledge to allow Bangladeshi goods access to its market.
- connection and infrastructure projects: To improve connection between the two nations and to promote commerce and people-to-people interactions, Bangladesh and India have worked together on a number of infrastructure projects, including roads, trains, and waterways.
- Energy collaboration: Bangladesh and India have worked together to address the region’s energy demands. India has provided power to Bangladesh when it was in insufficient supply and has funded energy projects to fulfill Bangladesh’s expanding energy demands.
- Counterterrorism and Security Cooperation: Bangladesh and India have worked together to solve regional security issues by exchanging information, coordinating operations, and enhancing security.
- India has helped Bangladesh through natural disasters like cyclones and floods by providing humanitarian aid & humanitarian aid at such times and lending its support in times of need.
- Overall, India’s support for Bangladesh after independence shows its dedication to fostering peace, stability, and prosperity in the area. The two nations continue to work closely together on a number of fronts, which helps to solidify their bilateral ties and promote peace and development in the area.
Since gaining its independence, India has contributed significantly to the expansion and development of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka via different types of assistance and collaboration. India is assisting Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in developing:
India’s assistance towards Sri Lanka’s development:
- Economic help: To aid Sri Lanka’s economic growth, India has given financial help in the form of grants and loans. Various infrastructure initiatives, trade facilitation, and capacity building have all benefited from these funding.
- Roads, trains, ports, and power generation are just a few of the infrastructure projects on which India and Sri Lanka have worked together. These initiatives have aided in enhancing Sri Lanka’s transportation, communication, and energy infrastructure.
- Trade & Investment: India serves as one of Sri Lanka’s main commercial partners, and both nations have strived to improve their mutual trade and investment relations. Sri Lankan products and services now have prospects on the Indian market, which will spur economic expansion.
- Exchanges in the arts, literature, music, and academics have been strengthened between India and Sri Lanka, along with their mutual understanding and collaboration in these areas.
- India’s assistance to Bangladesh’s expansion
- India has been a crucial partner in Bangladesh’s economic development, according to development aid. In order to promote different development efforts, including as infrastructure projects as social welfare programs, the nation has offered financial assistance and technical collaboration.
- Infrastructure and connectivity initiatives: Bangladesh and India have worked together on a number of infrastructure initiatives to increase connection between the two nations. Initiatives like the Akhaura-Agartala rail line and that Maitri Setu (Friendship Bridge) that spans the Feni River have boosted commerce and intercultural interactions.
- Trade & Economic Cooperation: Indian has granted duty-free access to its market as well as preferential trade agreements for Bangladeshi goods. This has improved Bangladesh’s export potential & boosted the country’s economy.
- India has helped Bangladesh satisfy its energy demands by exporting power and assisting in the development of energy infrastructure projects.
- Security co-operation: Bangladesh and India have worked together to combat terrorism and ensure regional security by exchanging information and holding joint drills.
- In general, India has worked to support regional growth, stability, and prosperity through its assistance to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The alliance between India & these two neighbors shows a dedication to forging enduring ties and working together on the basis of shared goals and respect. The three nations can collectively aid in the development of South Asia and foster a more connected and vibrant subcontinent as long as they continue to cooperate.
- India had a significant and transformational impact on Bangladesh and Sri Lanka both before and after independence. Prior to independence, historical, cultural, and economic linkages as well as India’s participation in anti-colonial movements affected its influence over neighboring nations. Pre-independence perspectives and experiences were influenced by British colonial legacy, commerce ties, However, the structure of the relationship underwent a considerable transformation following India’s independence. India’s assistance in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War showed its dedication to interregional cooperation and was essential in the creation of a new nation. India established a strong alliance and collaboration with Bangladesh in the years that followed by offering Bangladesh considerable diplomatic, economic, and development aid. and cultural exchanges.
- The post-independence ties between Sri Lanka and India have also developed to include a variety of sectors of collaboration, including trade, defense, culture, and education. Both nations have cooperated to solve regional issues and advance shared objectives.
- There have been periods of collaboration and assistance when India’s actions and regulations have affected Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, but there have also been times when it has been complicated and difficult. Interactions between India & its neighbors are still influenced by historical roots, cultural ties, and physical closeness.
- It is essential for India, Bangladesh, & Sri Lanka to capitalize on their common history, cultivate stronger relationships, and address unresolved concerns via conversation and collaboration as the area develops. Unlocking the full potential of these global linkages and creating a prosperous and secure neighbor in South Asia would need a comprehensive and cooperative strategy.
Viraj Madusanka Dias Sooriyaarachchi & Mehedi Hasan
Viraj Madusanka Dias Sooriyaarachchi is an accomplished writer who produces original, unique essays and articles on a variety of subjects. His goal is to offer thoughts, ideas, and facts in a distinctive and interesting way while also giving readers new insight and information on a range of subjects. His undergraduate degree, a (hons) in marketing and management, in Pandit Deendayal Energy University Gujarat India was completed with a distinction of first-class and a 9.17 cumulative grade point average. He also finished a Coursera online course, a rural internship in India, and an assistant marketing manager internship at a tea firm in Sri Lanka.
Mehedi Hasan’s dedication to his craft is evident in the quality and depth of his writing. His ability to produce original and unique essays and articles on a variety of subjects showcases his versatility as a writer. Whether delving into topics related to business, human resources, or current affairs, Mehedi consistently offers fresh perspectives that captivate readers.
With each piece he creates, Mehedi’s goal is not only to inform but also to engage his audience. He understands the importance of presenting thoughts, ideas, and facts in a distinctive and interesting way that keeps readers hooked from start to finish. By doing so, he ensures that his work stands out amidst the vast sea of content available today.
His goal is to offer thoughts, ideas, and facts in a distinctive and interesting way while also giving readers new insight and information on a range of subjects. His undergraduate degree, a B.B.A (hons) in HRM, was completed with a distinction of first-class and an 8.52 cumulative grade point average. He also finished a Coursera online course, a rural internship in India, and was an editor of the online-based news portal The Spotlight.)