Robots and Automation revolutionize Apparel Industry

Ganisuru Pasindu Wijesekara
25 Min Read


Automation is commonly defined as the automatic operation of an instrument, process, or system using mechanical or electronic devices to replace human labor for tasks involving observation, effort, and decision-making. Due to heightened competition in the global market, manufacturers are compelled to excel by introducing technological innovations, new concepts, and enhanced production methods to gain a sustainable competitive edge. Embracing advanced technology is a means to enhance various aspects of production and meet international export standards.

Recent automation advancements in the apparel industry encompass computerized data monitoring, computer-aided design, automated fabric spreading and cutting, high-speed sewing machines, advanced pressing and finishing equipment, among others. These innovations contribute to the development of high-quality clothing within the global supply chain, redefining how manufacturers can incorporate technology to remain competitive in the global market.

Robotics is no longer confined to a specific domain; it has become a universal discipline. Consequently, the application of robotics in both industrial and textile sectors has yielded substantial benefits. In the textile industry, robotics are primarily employed to reduce manual labor in intensive processes. Remarkable technological progress over recent decades has enabled the complete elimination of human involvement in numerous facets of textile manufacturing, resulting in significantly improved textile production quality. Recent advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence have facilitated the progressive integration of automation into textile manufacturing processes.

Survival in the fiercely competitive apparel industry on the global stage hinges on the adoption of advanced technology, automation, and robotics throughout the design, production, and distribution phases. Automation undoubtedly enhances production efficiency, reduces errors, and lowers overall production costs. Meeting the global demand for high-quality clothing, cost-effective production, and maintaining a competitive edge can be realized through automation. However, budget constraints in many developing countries often hinder garment manufacturers from embracing advanced technology. To thrive in the market, the apparel industry must produce flawless products more quickly and cost-effectively.

This article will delve into various aspects of automation in textile processes through the use of robotics, ultimately enhancing fundamental requirements in the textile industry, namely productivity and efficiency. The focus will primarily be on the application of robotics and automation in textile fabric manufacturing and garment production. These applications encompass robotics in handling bales in the blow room, carding, splicing in auto-coners, textile industry cleaning, fabric handling, fabric inspection, CAD & CAM, fabric spreading and cutting, sewing, pressing, material handling, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in automation.


Why Automation is needed in apparel industry?

The integration of technology has emerged as a pivotal strategic decision in contemporary global trade. The implementation of automation in the garment manufacturing sector is propelled by a multitude of factors, including the escalation of labor expenses, the imperative for heightened production efficiency, the pursuit of consistent product quality, and the growing demand for personalized products and quicker turnaround times. Furthermore, investing in automation equips companies with a competitive advantage within the worldwide garment industry.

It is imperative to acknowledge that while automation yields substantial benefits, it necessitates an initial financial commitment, proper training, and ongoing maintenance to ensure its effective deployment. In addition, human expertise and creativity continue to hold a vital role in domains such as design, product development, and quality control, where automation serves as a complement rather than a complete replacement.

The primary motivations for embracing increased mechanization and automation revolve around cost reduction and enhanced production capacity. By decreasing the cost per unit, the industry can augment production without incurring additional expenses. Similarly, the capability to enhance product quality without raising the cost per unit stands as a near-equally significant objective. Flexibility, quality assurance, inventory streamlining, streamlined production cycles, and reduced lead times have all become critical benchmarks for firms striving to attain global competitiveness.

It is evident that cost reduction and production capacity enhancement represent the foremost priorities for companies aiming to secure a larger market share in the present landscape. The widespread introduction and adoption of new technologies assume paramount importance in conferring a competitive edge on the global market, enabling firms to swiftly respond to shifting market demands through technological prowess.


Are there any disadvantages of automation in apparel industry?

Substantial Initial Investment: The integration of automation into garment production necessitates a substantial upfront capital outlay for machinery, technology infrastructure, and workforce training. This financial commitment may present a formidable obstacle for certain businesses.

Constraints on Complex Designs: Automated systems may struggle to replicate intricate designs accurately, often requiring manual intervention or specialized techniques for intricate and complex garment designs.

Technical Complexity and Maintenance: Automation machinery involves intricate technology and software systems, demanding specialized skills for operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Dedicated technical support is indispensable to ensure smooth operation.

Workforce Displacement and Training: The implementation of automation can displace human workers from certain manual tasks, leading to social and economic implications such as job displacement. It becomes necessary to invest in retraining or upskilling workers for new roles within the automated production environment.

Adaptation to Market Changes: Embracing automation requires a thorough understanding of evolving market dynamics and shifting consumer preferences. Committing to automation technologies may lock businesses into specific production capabilities, potentially hindering their ability to swiftly respond to market shifts or emerging trends.

Potential Technological Dependency: Overreliance on automated processes and machinery exposes businesses to the risk of disruptions or production delays due to equipment malfunctions, software glitches, or power outages. Consequently, businesses should establish contingency plans and redundancy measures to mitigate these risks.

Hence, prior to embarking on automation, it is imperative for businesses to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the pros and cons of automating garment production, considering their unique requirements, production capacities, market demands, and available resources. Striking the right balance between automation and manual labor, coupled with strategic planning, enables businesses to harness the advantages of automation while addressing potential challenges effectively.


Country’s investments in apparel automation

China: China has held a prominent position in the garment manufacturing sector for several decades and continues to invest in automation to sustain its leadership. Facing escalating labor costs and the imperative of heightened productivity, Chinese manufacturers are integrating automated systems for cutting, sewing, and assembly. These advancements streamline operations, reduce labor-intensive tasks, and enhance overall efficiency.

India: India is now part of the cohort of nations embracing automation in garment production. It is replacing manual labor with automated machines for tasks ranging from fabric inspection, cutting, and sewing to finishing, labeling, and packaging. Esteemed manufacturers like Shahi Exports and Madura Garments have introduced multiple mechanized systems to maintain quality control and deliver superior products.

Bangladesh: As one of the world’s largest garment exporters, Bangladesh recognizes the pivotal role of automation in remaining competitive. The country is directing investments towards automated cutting machinery, sewing robotics, and other advanced technologies. This strategic move aims to bolster productivity, reduce costs, and enhance working conditions for laborers.

Vietnam: Vietnam has emerged as a prominent player in the global garment industry and is swiftly embracing automation. The government has enacted policies to facilitate technological advancement and attract investments in automation technologies. Vietnamese manufacturers are wholeheartedly adopting automation to bolster productivity, fortify quality control, and meet the demand for expedited production cycles.

Japan: Renowned for its rich history of technological innovation, Japan’s garment industry is no exception. Japanese manufacturers leverage automation technologies such as computerized sewing machines, robotic systems, and cutting-edge cutting solutions to optimize efficiency, quality, and customization capabilities.

United States: Automation in garment production is gaining momentum in the United States as manufacturers aim to reshore production and reduce dependence on overseas manufacturing. Robotic sewing, computerized cutting, and digital printing systems are being adopted to enhance production efficiency, elevate product quality, and swiftly respond to market demands.

Germany: Germany, celebrated for its precision engineering, stands at the forefront of garment automation technologies. German manufacturers concentrate on implementing advanced robotics, computerized sewing machines, and digital printing systems. These innovations enable them to achieve high-quality production, customization, and efficient manufacturing processes.


History of Robots in apparel industry

The incorporation of robotics and automation into the textile industry commenced over two centuries ago with John Kay’s invention of the flying shuttle. This revolutionary machine not only amplified production capacity but also reduced the workforce required to operate weaving looms from two individuals to just one. Over the past five decades, there has been a notable transformation in the geographical landscape of the textile industry. Manufacturers have shifted a significant portion of their textile production from manual labor to automated processes. In recent times, there has been a surge in the adoption of robotics, particularly as labor costs have risen sharply in Asia, prompting manufacturers to explore the robotics-driven production model. Clearly, textile manufacturers are recalibrating their focus towards automation in pursuit of heightened productivity and enhanced efficiency. To realize this vision, the textile industry must embrace robotics automation, and integration with artificial intelligence (AI) becomes imperative. Automation and robotics are closely intertwined technologies, with robotics essentially representing a specialized form of industrial automation.


  1. Robotics in handling of bales in blow room

Bale samples are dispatched to a grading laboratory for examination. Upon arrival, the shipment’s quality is promptly assessed. Subsequently, each bale is transported along a conveyor to a loading station. At this station, a robot retrieves the bale and transfers it to storage. Within the blow room, all bales are stored in racks in a random manner, with each bale’s position linked to its respective bale number, weight, and fiber characteristics. When a bale is chosen for processing, it is retrieved from the storage by a robot, following a “first in, first out” protocol.

  1. Robotics in Carding

A robot can be programmed to collect cams from each card and transfer them onto a truck, transporting them to a production area where they will be used in the conventional drawing frame process. This approach facilitates effective cross-blending and simplifies the task of an operator when it comes to transferring the cans into the drawing frame.

  1. Robotics in Fabric Handling

In the textile industry, fabric handling operations demand the utilization of an array of tools and sensors. To facilitate these operations, we have affixed the ATI Industrial Automation Gamma 30/100 FIT sensor onto the robotic arm. Additionally, an attachment for tool interchangeability has been installed on the FT sensor. Furthermore, a tailor-made tool rack has been incorporated, offering accommodation for a standard pneumatic gripper and other specialized end effectors designed for fabric manipulation within the textile sector.

  1. Robotics in Laser Cutting

Laser cutting proves to be highly advantageous for fabric cutting, especially in the context of computer-controlled laser cutting systems. These systems are particularly well-suited for the intricate task of cutting multiple layers of heavy textile materials. Consequently, they have gained widespread acceptance as a means to augment mass production within the textile industry.

  1. Robotics in Folding and Packing

Robots are capable of performing the folding and packing of products. They have the capacity to handle garments, execute the folding process, and ensure proper packaging. This can be accomplished through either a fully automated or semi-automated system.

  1. Robotics in Nonwovens

Researchers are actively working on the development of nonwoven materials and 3D structures for protective apparel through the integration of robotics. Notably, there is potential for combining robotics with a compact melt blowing unit for these purposes.

  1. Garment Automation in Fabric Inspection

In the past, fabric inspections relied on manual processes, often leading to challenges in accurately identifying defects. The introduction of automated equipment has significantly improved the efficiency of fabric inspection. Automating fabric inspection has proven to be a particularly challenging endeavor within the textile industry. Various techniques, such as the Statistical Approach, Spectral Approach, and Model-based Approach, can be employed for automated fabric inspection. In all these methods, software or modeling tools are used to manipulate the fabric image, extracting information about the severity of any defects present. Detected defects are then automatically marked on the fabric. If the quantity of defects in a fabric batch surpasses a specified threshold, the batch is rejected.

Auto CAD and CAM : Historically, fabric design was a manual endeavor, consuming substantial time as designers painstakingly recorded their creations on paper. However, contemporary garment manufacturers have transitioned to the utilization of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) for clothing production. CAD facilitates the creation of three-dimensional clothing designs through computer software, after which this data is transmitted to CAM. CAM, in turn, assumes responsibility for overseeing and coordinating the production process based on the information provided by CAD.

  1. Automation in Fabric Spreading

In the distant past, fabric spreading was a manual task, requiring workers to spread the fabric by hand. Moreover, it often demanded the collective efforts of multiple workers to complete the task. Subsequently, semi-automatic machines were introduced, allowing a single operator to manage the machine and complete the work. Presently, fabric spreading has evolved with the advent of fully automatic machines. In automated fabric spreading;

  • The process is expedited while adhering to the length and width specifications provided by the operator.
  • The machine automatically splices and commences new fabric spreading precisely where the previous fabric roll ended.
  • The utilization of highly effective sensors enables the identification of defects, with the faulty fabric being automatically cut.
  • The machine keeps track of the ply count and autonomously shuts down when the specified ply number is reached.
  • It accommodates various fabric types, offering versatility.
  • This method significantly reduces the time required and labor costs.
  • However, it comes with a substantial initial cost and necessitates a skilled operator to operate the machine proficiently.
  1. Automation in Fabric Cutting

In the past, fabric cutting was predominantly a manual endeavor, but today, automatic fabric cutting machines have revolutionized the process. This advancement allows for significantly more precise and seamless fabric cutting compared to traditional methods. Now, garment designs are directly saved in computer memory, eliminating the need for physical marker paper. The automatic cutting machine then utilizes these digital instructions to cut multiple fabric layers simultaneously, swiftly and with exceptional accuracy. In some instances, laser technology is employed for this purpose. The adoption of automatic cutting machines has resulted in a reduction in both the labor force required and the time needed for cutting when compared to manual or operator-assisted processes.

  1. Automation in Sewing

In countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, a substantial portion of garment manufacturing, particularly the sewing phase, continues to rely on the expertise of skilled workers. Many manufacturers in these regions have not made significant strides in acquiring automatic sewing machines or sewing robots, which has allowed them to maintain relatively low investment costs. However, manufacturers who have refrained from investing in modern equipment are encountering fierce competition as they strive to keep labor expenses minimal.

Recently, there have been developments in automating the sewing process by designing industrial robots capable of managing fabric during sewing tasks, eliminating the need for human labor. The seam-forming process in these automated machines closely resembles that of traditional sewing machines. These robotic sewing machines have the capability to create various types of sewing stitches, including overlock stitches, double chain stitches, double lock stitches, and more.

Sewing Robot (Sewbo): The apparel industry has witnessed the emergence of innovative industrial robots, such as the Sewbo, designed to manipulate and handle fabrics. Experimental trials have explored the possibility of using robots to sew entire garments, with notable examples like Zornow’s “Sewbo,” which debuted in 2015. This robot possesses the capability to autonomously sew a T-shirt from start to finish, marking a significant milestone in achieving full automation for complete outfit production. The Sewbo can be programmed for specific sizes and styles, albeit necessitating reprogramming when there are changes in clothing size or style.

Another noteworthy creation is the LOWRY SewBot, developed by the Atlanta-based company “Softwear Automation” in the United States. These SewBots leverage advanced Industrial 4.0 technologies, such as computer vision and advanced robotics, to mimic human-like fabric analysis and manipulation. They are versatile, performing various garment manufacturing tasks including fabric cutting, sewing, finishing, labeling, and inspection, all managed via a single touch panel. The precision of their sewing allows for the creation of high-quality garments, and they offer dimensions in sewing.

Furthermore, Philipp Moll GmbH & Co. introduced a 3D Sewing Technology capable of automatically creating 3D seams. In China, a 3D sewing robotic arm has been developed. This robotic arm swiftly scans fabric pieces with a laser scanner, stitches them together following programmed patterns, and trims threads, completing the entire process in just a few minutes. Currently applied to automotive interior stitching, 3D robotic arms are versatile and can produce clothing (such as trousers, jackets, shirts) and car seat covers, as well as airbag fabrics. This 3D technology significantly enhances product quality, reduces labor costs, and boosts productivity within the sewing industry.

  1. Automation in Pressing

Pressing plays a pivotal role in enhancing the visual appeal of a product before it reaches the customers. This operation is essential to eliminate any wrinkles or creases in the garment, ensuring it looks enticing to potential buyers. However, recruiting and retaining skilled workers for pressing operations has always been a formidable challenge. Once operators acquire sufficient expertise, they tend to migrate to other industries offering higher salaries. Consequently, there is a constant shortage of skilled labor in this sector.

To address these challenges, the pressing sector is increasingly embracing automation strategies. Various cutting-edge technologies, such as pressing robots, jacket finishers, shirt finishers, and shirt pressers, are now readily available in the market. These advancements are poised to revolutionize and streamline the pressing process, mitigating the reliance on a fluctuating skilled workforce.


Automation has ushered in a transformative era for the fashion industry, offering a multitude of advantages. These include heightened production efficiency, enhanced quality control, reduced labor expenses, and expedited time-to-market. By replacing manual labor with automated processes, garment manufacturers have streamlined their operations, achieved remarkable precision, and met the ever-growing demand for fast fashion.

In particular, automation technologies such as computerized pattern cutting, robotic sewing machines, and automated fabric inspection systems have revolutionized the speed and accuracy of garment production. These technologies have the potential to eliminate human errors, minimize material wastage, and optimize resource utilization, fostering more sustainable practices.

Presently, robotics and automation have found widespread application in the textile industry. Although substantial strides have been made in robotics within the textile sector, mass production has yet to fully embrace these advancements. Research into the application of robotics and automation for textile manufacturing remains somewhat limited, primarily focusing on conventional functions like handling, assembly, welding, and cutting processes.

Consequently, textile industry leaders should consider investing in and actively promoting research and development initiatives to expand the scope of robotics and automation in the textile sector. As outlined above, the integration of robotics and automation is pivotal for enhancing productivity and ensuring long-term success in today’s highly competitive market. The sooner these technologies are incorporated into textile and apparel manufacturing, the more businesses stand to benefit in terms of efficiency and prosperity. In essence, there is no substitute for robotics and automation in the textile and apparel industry when it comes to thriving in the current competitive landscape.

Ganisuru Pasindu Wijesekara

The author, “Ganisuru Pasindu Wijesekara” is a young Sri Lankan graduate with a passion towards writing and exploring new adventures. Ganisuru is a Business Management Graduate specialized in Industrial Management at NSBM Green University, Sri Lanka and pursuing his master’s degree in Master of Business Administration at University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka. He is a public speaker, writer and a singer who is multi-talented hardworking young individual.




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